- 0. Guide to Getting Started
- 1. Basics
2. MailBeez Modules
- Birthday
- Shoprating Invite
- Review Reminder Advanced - Autologin
- Winback Advanced
- Abandoned Cart
- No Purchase Advanced
- Review Reward Coupon
- anniversary Coupon
- Birthday Coupon
- Coupon Expiry Reminder
- Coupon Referral Honey
- Reorder Advanced
- Backorder Notification
- Order Status Update Notification
- Shoprating Invitation Advanced
- Payment: Invoice Dunning
- Payment: In advance Dunning
- Shoprating Review Reward Coupon
Shopauskunft Review Reward Coupon
- Shopauskunft.de Advanced
- Trustpilot Advanced - Unique Links Edition
- Trustpilot Advanced
- Ausgezeichnet.org Advanced
- Google Reviews Advanced
- Idealo Advanced
- ShopVote.de Advanced
- Newsletter Advanced
- Trustedshops Advanced
- Shopper Approved Advanced
- Service-Module: Repair Orders DB
- Numinix Store Credit: Review Rewards
- Numinix Store Credit: Balance Reminder
- Welcome Email
- Community Modules
- 3. SiteBeez Modules
4. Configuration
- Basic Configuration
- MailBeez CloudLoader
- GDPR Export Framework
- Spam Compliance
- Simulation
- Email Engine Configuration
- Dashboard Configuration
- Process Controll
- MailBeez Analytics Configuration
- Econda Analytics configuration
- Piwik Analytics configuration
- Google Analytics configuration
- Shoprating
- Guided tour
- Template Engine
- BeezDesk Customer Insight
- Mouseflow Integration
- GDPR Consent
- Responsive Template Manager
- Editor configuration
- Multilanguage Extension with Template Manager
- Run MailBeez automatically
- Email-Rating
- Module Timing
- Advanced Opt-Out with Admin
- Email Web-view and Archive
- BounceHive Bounce Handling
- Account aggregation
- BeezDesk CRM Integration
- MailBeez Copyright Remover Certificate
- Common Services
- Integrations
5. Filter & Helpers
- Simple Throttling
- Pattern Blacklist
- Daily Limit
- Extended Customer Information
- Customer Group Filter
- Add Gender
- Add Shopauskunft Ratings
- Add ShopperApproved Ratings
- Add ShopRatings
- Add Trustpilot Ratings
- Add Trustedshops Ratings
- Numinix Store Credit: Display Balance
- Content Integration Suite
- Add Profiling Data
- Content Integration Suite
- Controll modules by Profile-Tags
- [Zen Cart] Check Customer Authorization
- [Modified] New Invoicenumber
- 6. Reports
7. Dashboard Modules
- The Beez-O-Graph
- The Review-O-Meter
- The Winback-O-Meter
- The Nopurchase-O-Meter
- The Loyalty-O-Graph
- The Google Analytics O'Pie
- The MailBeez News Feed Widget
- The MailBeez Actions Widget
- The MailBeez Introduction Widget
- The Event Log Widget
- The Version Check Widget
- The Coupon Search Widget
- The Customer Opt-Out Admin Widget
- The ReferralHoney Analytics Widget
- 8. Tutorials
- 9. Cookbook
10. Changelog
11. Compatibility
12. F.A.Q.
Clear History
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