Store issued coupons not used by customer yet? Never fear! Send them an automated coupon expiry reminder email with this handy Mailbeez module.
As we’re sure you know, whilst email has the highest Return on Investment of any eCommerce marketing strategy, your customer’s inbox is a seriously busy place. Therefore, if you want to maximize the opportunity for your coupon campaign to be used, it is a good idea to send a timely expiration reminder email; which is the reason this little Mailbeez module exists.
Automated and intelligent
Like all Mailbeez modules, the Coupon Expiry Reminder is fully automated. Once installed and styled, it is a fit-and-forget functional addition that simply checks for any coupons that have yet to be used and that will expire within the configured time frame. It then sends a notification email to the identified customers accordingly.
Mailbeez is an intelligent email system, so in case you are concerned that previous customers with invalid coupons will be sent reminders, then you can rest easy; Mailbeez will only email customers with a valid coupon.
Responsive Emails
In combination with the responsive template manager you are able to select a responsive email template for this module and adopt it to your design.
You can edit the text without any knowledge of html thanks to the visual editor. What are responsive Emails?
Configuration settings
Every Mailbeez module offers deceptively simple configuration options, and the Coupon Reminder module offers two distinct settings:
Here’s a real world example:
A is set to 5, B is set to 7
Based on these settings, the reminder email will be sent to customers who have received a coupon which has between 7 and 5 days left before it expires.
Gambio GX2/GX3/GX4
Modified-Shop 1.x/2.x/3.x
ZenCart 1.3.x/1.5.x/2.x
osCommerce 2.x coupon system required API V2
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