This module adds gender information to all of your MailBeez email modules. It allows you to email your customers based on gender, resulting in a higher degree of reader relevancy, in turn, making customers less likely to unsubscribe for receiving emails about products that don’t interest them.
The module supports full gender recognition during testing & simulation to enable a full and complete test.
Choose which gender you want to use when sendning test-emails:
When you run an email module, recipients are displayed by gender:
In your email template you can use some logic to generate different output by gender:
{if $gender == "f"}
Dear Mrs. {$lastname}
{elseif $gender == "m"}
Dear Mrs. {$lastname}
Hello {$firstname} {$lastname}
in the visual editor use the following code to protect the tags from editing
[[if $gender == "f"]]
Dear Mrs. [[$lastname]]
[[elseif $gender == "m"]]
Dear Mr. [[$lastname]]
Hello [[$firstname]] [[$lastname]]
The gender specific personalisation is not limited to the salutation but you can even personalize content sections - even in the common main template - by gender.
Gambio GX2/GX3/GX4
Modified-Shop 1.x/2.x/3.x
ZenCart 1.3.x/1.5.x/2.x
osCommerce 2.x API V2
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