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The Review-O-Meter

Delivered with the free MailBeez framework software, the Review-O-Meter is a powerful dashboard widget that lets you know how many customers are writing reviews of their purchases as a result of your Mailbeez Review Reminder email campaign.

Configuration Options

By default, it tracks & displays results for 30 days worth of data, but this number of days can be changed in the Review-O-Meter configuration settings.

Additionally, you can configure your review goals based on your industry standards, product demand, and customer review patterns. The number you enter into this configuration setting is the percentage of reviews you hope to receive in relation to the number of Review Reminder emails sent. This setting has a direct impact on the behavior of the widget’s success measurement needle, so you’ll want to make this goal a reasonable one.

Setting Review Goals

When MailBeez is first installed, the widget will show you that your review rate is in the “orange zone” because it doesn’t take into account any reviews that were written prior to installation. Once you start running your Review Reminder campaign and give it some time, you should see the needle start to rise so long as your review goal is reasonable.

For example, if you set the percentage to 100, your widget will always be in the “orange zone” because this is a lofty and possibly unattainable goal. Start small and set your goals higher as the smaller ones are attained.

Get More Reviews With Review Advanced

If you are still using the Mailbeez Review Simple module, you want want to consider an upgrade to the premium Mailbeez Advanced module that offers auto login for your customers on review click through. When your customers don’t need to manually login to your store to start writing their review, you’ll not only increase your review rate, but make your customers happier as well!

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