
Folder Structure

MailBeez is designed to be a seamless, integrated part of your online shopping-cart system. The core folder is named mailhive, and you will find it in the root directory of your shopping-cart system. Shopping-carts running on systems with MailBeez pre-integrated, the core folder is located as follows: Gambio 2.3+: ext/mailhive , Modified-Shop 2.+: includes/external/mailhive


So, let's dig a little deeper into each of these top level folders and explain what they are for:


The common folder contains common assets of the MailBeez System.


Within the common folder you find the template_c folder which is used to store temporary files generated by the system e.g. Smarty cache files, Application cache files etc.


The configbeez folder contains configuration modules, which appear (unless they have been hidden intentionally) in the "Configuration" Tab.


The dashboardbeez folder contains dashboard modules, which appear (unless they have not been installed yet) on the MailBeez Dashboard


The filterbeez folder contains filter & helper modules, which appear (unless they have been hidden intentionally or not yet installed ) in the "Filters & Helpers" Tab.

/gui (deprecated)

The gui folder is deprecated - it contains files to show the opt-out dialog when users click on opt-out links


You can use this folder to store common images, e.g. for your custom email header


The includes folder contains files which are included into the store front or admin interface to enhance functionality


The install folder contains files only used on xt:commerce based store systems


The mailbeez folder contains MailBeez modules, which appear (unless they have been hidden intentionally or not yet installed ) in the "MailBeez Modules" Tab


The reportbeez folder contains Report modules, which appear (unless they have been hidden intentionally or not yet installed ) in the "Reports" Tab

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