Thanks to our friends at Get Elastic following Infographic just hit my inbox. While the graphic has a lot of information to digest, let me point you to some important parts about Email in the mobile commerce world:
“With 64% of decision-makters reading their email via mobiles devices, when optimized for the mobile user (= responsive emails), email marketing can deliver shopper conversion”
“For every $1 spent, the avg. ROI for email marketing is $44.25″
Wonder how MailBeez can help you with optimizing your Emails for Mobile Devices? Read more about Responsive Emails with MailBeez
Some more take-aways from the infographic:
- Today, 1 in 10 ecommerce dollars is spent using a smartphone or tablet
- Mcommerce is outpacing ecommerce growth by 200%
- 63% of consumers say they’ll shop more with mobile phones in the next few years
- 61% of shoppers say they have a better experience with brands that offer a good mobile experience
- 48% of time consumers spend on ecommerce sites is spent on mobile devices
- 50% of all unique email opens happen on mobile devices (68% of these on iPhones)
- 48% of mobile transactions are made with iPad
- Tablet users spend 20% more on average than smartphone users
- Amazon’s mobile conversion rate is 13.5%, avg. ticket $82