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With so many stores selling online, it can be easy to forget that a large proportion of new eCommerce businesses actually have their roots in bricks and mortar retail, or to a large extent, integrate some form of location based service into their primarily online activities. The most obvious tie in of course is the ‘pickup in store’ model, in which a customer buys online, but then appoints their local branch of the store as the collection point. As functional as this real world relationship is, what if you could take location based eCommerce a step further and actually use it as a tool to increase sales?

Mailbeez recently worked with a US beauty eCommerce store who came to us with a requirement to present location based beauty class tutorial information to customers who registered, but did not complete a sale. The system, which is based upon the core functionality of the No Purchase Advanced module, emails a customer a defined number of days after they have registered but not bought, informing them that in their area on a certain date, a one-day beauty workshop will commence; both inviting them to attend and presenting them with a 10% discount voucher off the cost of the day.

Beauty Store email enhanced with personalized location based informationBeauty Store email enhanced with personalized location based information

By simply adding the Mailbeez Extended Customer Information module to the store, along with the custom build integration module (filter) created for the client, the following code can now be added to any Mailbeez email in order to incorporate location based training class information:

{section name=course loop=$content.storename}

Thanks to the multi-step architecture of the No Purchase Advanced module, the beauty store can email non-buying customers over a defined period of days, whether that be 5, 30, 45, or finally every 60 days, fully automatically.

With this level of personalized location based content, the perception of the store by the customer is greatly enhanced, viewed no longer as solely a transactional website, but as a helpful partner concerned with the customer’s personal needs; a change in perception that engenders much greater brand affinity and ultimately, loyalty.

**If you have a location based requirement for your store, then please don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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